
Posts in Chronological Order

Why we need to address humanity’s history 

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great week regardless of the distressing things that are currently happening around the world. For many of us, the Palestinian genocide is taking up a lot of mental and emotional space – as it should be. I considered writing on the topic today but I’ve noticed that…

What is happening in Niger?

Welcome back everyone! Thank you, once again for coming back and reading. In the last post, we looked at some conflicts that have the potential to ignite global sparks. In this post I would like to do the same but with a conflict that is much closer to home. Today the topic I would like…

War vs. Democratic Independence

Happy Wednesday everyone! A little while ago, I had put out a call for topic suggestions on Instagram and I received some interesting suggestions that I have been eager to tackle. Some of them, a little out of my comfort zone which made them even more exciting! Today, we will delve into one of these…

Sparks of Hope in Humanity

Hello everyone! Thanks for joining this week. Finding a piece for today started out like all the other times I have written: I go through the list of topics I already have, do some light research and decide what would be the best thing to write about for today. However, today, I realized that all…


Welcome back everyone! Today, I come to you with a more historic/informative post. I belive that as Zimbabwe approaches elections (in August 2023), it is important for us to remember historical events that have shaped the political state of our country. One of these extremly important events is Gukurahundi. Which, regardless of the impact it…

Get over Colonialism

Hello everyone! I would first like to start by thanking those who sent in topic suggestions. A lot of the suggestions were ones that I would not have thought of exploring myself so I am quite excited to dive into these topics and hopefully do them justice. Today, I’d like to touch on a topic…

Welcome back!

Hello everyone! I struggled with starting this post because I haven’t written in about a year. This includes blog posts and academic writing – I have been completely out of it since handing in my Master’s thesis in June 2022. It’s funny because in my last post I proclaimed that after handing in my thesis,…

My people are Afraid 

Hello everyone! It’s been almost four months since you’ve heard from me! I am sorry about that; things have been rather crazy for me. The reason I do not like to write posts when I am busy is that these posts take me a long time to think up and articulate. When I do not…

On being African

Happy Tuesday everyone! What a week this past week has been! It looks like as a generation, we can’t seem to catch a break – there is something tragic happening every couple of days. Regardless, I hope you are all doing ok and trying to see the positive in any given day. Each morning, my…

A Healthcare System in Disarray 

Happy New Year everyone! (A little late, I know but I have been enjoying the desperately needed time off). I hope you all had a great holiday period and are ready to give 2022 your all! Having entered the new year quite differently to last year, I was reflecting on the place in my life…


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